Everyone with a mouth has the power to make themselves and others feel better, happier! Just smile!
Mother Teresa once said, “I will never understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.”
World Smile Day is coming!
World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October every year to honor Harvey Ball. Wondering who is Harvey Bell? Harvey Ball was the artist who created the smiley face graphic in 1963. The image went on to become of the most recognizable symbols of cheer and happiness.
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11 Facts About Smiling
You have probably heard that it takes fewer muscles when smiling than when frowning, so why not smile? Although the exact amount of muscles needed to smile or frown is not quite agreed upon, there are many reasons to smile each day. Here are some reasons to turn that frown upside down as well as some facts you might not know about this common facial expression.
These will make you smile
101 Jokes for kids.