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Just Plain Weird

Oil Rig Rescue

It was probably one of the last things the crew expected to see in the middle of the ocean! An oil rig crew in the Gulf of Thailand about 135 miles (220 km) from the nearest shore, spotted a dog in the water.

Vitisak Payalaw, an offshore planner working for the Chevron rig, saw the dog and held out a pole to encourage the dog to swim towards the rig. With other members of the crew, they looped a rope around the exhausted dog and were able to pull him onto the deck. The poor dog was so worn out it could not stand but with care and feeding it gradually recovered.

The crew named the dog Boonrod, which means “survivor” in the Thai language.

When the dog was brought back to Thailand, he was handed over to an animal rescue group who placed a garland of marigolds around his neck to symbolize a welcome.

The oil rig worker who first spotted the dog plans to adopt him if the owner doesn’t come forward.