This Week in Kid Scoop
Hand Shadows
Watch as an amazing assortment of people and animals are created with hand shadows. Can you make any of these? Continue reading
Understand Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember those who dies while serving the country. In cemeteries around the country, American flags are placed on the graves and memorials of the fallen. Continue reading
Get Caught Reading
Are you looking for reading recommendations for the summer months? Then just click here for the scoop. Continue reading
Mother’s Day
Show your appreciation for all your mom does for you, or for a special lady in your life. Continue reading
Beaver Lodges and Dams
Beavers are clever river engineers, taking their time to find a location for their lodge and then slowly gnawing trees and branches to build the structure. Continue reading
A Gnu is an African animal and will be the subject of Kid Scoop this week. Learn fun facts about this fascinating animal including that its annual migration is regarded as the largest animal migration on Earth. Continue reading
Clean Water for the World
In many places around the globe, many people struggle to get clean water for their families every day. Find out how Rotary International is one of the groups helping make clean water available. Continue reading
Corn Seasons
Not So Corny Facts About Corn Continue reading
Solar Eclipse
A total eclipse of the sun will occur on April 8, 2024. This will cause parts of the world to have the darkness of night in the daytime. Why does this happen? Kid Scoop gets the scoop! Continue reading
Want to get on a goat’s good side? Start with smiling! Goats are able to differentiate between happy and unhappy human faces. And they have been found to prefer happy faces! This week, Kid Scoop explores this and more fun facts about goats! Continue reading