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New Plant Discoveries

Every year, new plants are discovered around the world. They are examined and identified according to their characteristics and are allocated a scientific name. In 2021, 205 new species were identified. The plants are often extremely rare and, in some cases, become extinct even before identification is published.

Among the years more unusual finds there is a ghost orchid from the deepest, darkest forests of Madagascar. It grows only in darkness, has no real leaves for photosynthesis and gets it nutrients from an underground fungus. Its star-shaped flowers appear on the forest floor. Madagascar is home to many unique plants and animals but the destruction of wild habitats as they are turned into plantations, results is the extinction of many species.

Borneo is home to a new species of primrose. Its flowers look like exploding fireworks and so was given the scientific name of Ardisia pyrotechnica.

The valleys of the Andes in Bolivia produced a new kind of periwinkle whose fruits are edible when roasted and are thought to have medicinal value. Many life-saving medicines come from plants, but it takes time and money to do the research to find the specific values. In this era, so many areas where these extraordinary plants are found are being destroyed to make way for commercial agriculture and sadly, the plants disappear before their value is identified.

For more information read:
‘Ghost’ orchid that grows in the dark among new plant finds
Amazing new species discovered include ‘ghost’ orchid and ‘exploding fireworks’ flower