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Valentine’s Day Bird Feeder

Show Your Love for the Birds! Make a Valentine’s Day Bird Feeder

In the winter it can be hard for birds to find food. Your local birds will flock to a Valentine’s Day Bird Feeder!

Here are some simple ideas for your feathered friends:

Orange Cup and Seedsorange-cup

You Need

  • One orange
  • A knife and a spoon
  • An adult to help
  • Two twigs about 10 inches long.
  • String
  • Bird seed

Make It!

  1. Cut an orange in half with the help of an adult.
  2. Scoop out about half of the pulp.
  3. Push two small twigs through the orange as pictured.
  4. Tie string to the twigs for hanging.
  5. Fill the scooped our orange with bird seed.
  6. Hang in on a branch!

Really Easy Bird Feederorange-cup

You Need
An apple and/or a pear

Make It!

  1. Cut the bottoms off of a pear or apple (or both!)
  2. Scoop out a little hole from the bottom.
  3. Poke the fruit onto the end of a branch on a tree.